Baby Blues

By Harithapriya Vijaye

Thoughts that heal blemishes of mind;

Glasses smearing through my belly;

Feeling like edge smouldered jigsaw piece;

Jumping hurdles with a deformed body is not that easy as it seems.

Now my adipose worries me,

But that worry worries me more.

Concerns about hiding my aversions and agitations;

Concerns me more than its solutions.

My overwhelming rage, anxiety, anguish, disgust

Were underrated by society.

I kept still and isolated;

From dusk to dawn trying to meet bi-poles;

Analysing my symptoms web suggested ‘ZULRESSO’.

Same as the one prescribed for psychosis and schizophrenia.

My abrupt shift in hormones

And decline in dopamine

And cycles of mood swings

Enlarges melancholy.

Breastfeeding expands dejection;

My brimming emotions of detachment with one of my integral parts swallows my mind;

Bewildered and disorganized were my thoughts;

Shouting and screaming but no one stands listening

And sometimes,

Silence isn’t golden when it craves you slowly and no one knows unless you’re gone!

Postpartum depression is suffered by 1 in 7 women. Almost 70 to 80% of women experience ‘baby blues’. More than 10M cases per year arise in India alone. This may be suicidal but no one cares. So, speak out and most importantly, listen to her before she’s gone.

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